Common trouble solving strategy of paste filling machine

   With the development of industrial science and technology, paste filling machine can be seen everywhere, such as honey, bean paste, toothpaste, cleansing milk, ointment and other kinds of paste. The emergence of automatic paste filling machine has brought great convenience to enterprises. The common faults and solutions of paste filling machine in this paper suggest that you collect them.

1. Paste filling machine does not discharge materials: first check whether there are any products in the hopper, if not, please add materials in time; If the filling liner is blocked, it should be cleaned up in time. If it is not blocked, replace the sealing ring on the liner piston.

2. Inaccurate paste filling amount: first check whether the pressure of the pressure valve is adjusted in place and adjust it to the desired error range; Second is to check whether the air pressure valve leakage, such as leakage please replace the pipe; Then check whether the diaphragm valve is damaged, such as damaged replacement can be.

   Hubei Greatxing Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. on the paste filling machine common fault solving strategy, I hope to be helpful to you. If you have other problems, contact us, give you a professional solution, let you feel comfortable high quality production!


Published on 2021-09-22